What is the
Leuenberg Agreement?
The Agreement between Reformation churches in Europe (in short Leuenberg Agreement) is an ecumenical document finalised in 1973 at the Swiss conference centre Leuenberg near Basel. Its aim was to end the church schism between the Reformed and Lutheran churches and to establish church communion among the Lutheran, Reformed and United churches in Europe. It thus became the founding document of the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe.
In the sense intended in the Leuenberg Agreement, church communion means that, on the basis of the consensus they have reached in their understanding of the gospel, churches with different confessional positions accord each other fellowship in word and sacrament and strive for the fullest possible co-operation in witness and service to the world. (LA 29)
To this end, the Leuenberg Agreement goes through the following steps:
The churches note that they have a common understanding of the gospel expressed in the liberating message of the justification of the human person and passed on in preaching, baptism and the Lord's Supper.
The churches note that doctrinal condemnations expressed in the confessional documents concerning the doctrine of the Lord's Supper, christology and the doctrine of predestination do not concern the present state of doctrine of the assenting churches.
The churches accord each other pulpit and table fellowship, including mutual recognition of ordination..
“The participating churches are convinced that together they participate in the one Church of Jesus Christ and that the Lord frees them for and calls them to common service.” (LA 34) “Believing in the unifying power of the Holy Spirit, they bear their witness and perform their service together, and strive to deepen and strengthen the fellowship they have found together.” (LA 35)
The Leuenberg Agreement is available in 19 European languages.